Surprising Statistics About WordPress Usage
9 Interesting WordPress Usage Statistics: Almost everyone uses the internet everyday. Most people aren’t aware, however, of just what the pages of the internet we read are made and managed by. There are several content management systems available to everyone but by far the most widely used is the CMS known as WordPress. Their software is some of the most intuitive and easy to use and allows for the most amount of customization anywhere. So much so that you don’t need to know the first thing about computer coding or languages to create a beautiful and effective website with WordPress. Here are nine interesting usage statistics of WordPress blogging software.
WordPress powers more than a quarter of the entire internet. Which means it has massive reach and power considering there are only a handful of websites most average people visit daily. From famous news websites, to cooking blogs, and true crime novelists pages, WordPress has a blog for literally anything you can imagine. At least it powers it in so much as it powers a quarter of the known website pages. There are some pages that don’t allow their content management system to be known.
Searching WordPress in Google gets almost 2/3 of a billion results. This just goes to show just how many people and businesses use WordPress all the time. It is the cornerstone of entire sections of the internet and people can readily and easily use it and find others who do. This allows WordPress to essentially dominate the content management system vacuum left by other smaller, outdated CMS operations. While it does this, it can effectively create a system and software that is easily available and readily accessible to millions of users.
More than 90% of the websites who use WordPress use WordPress 4. Which is impressive in and of itself considering there are over 175 unique versions of the WordPress software. They’ve made great strides in security and adaptability for everyone of their customers. They know having not only the latest and greatest website available is key, but the need to innovate and keep ahead of the game is paramount.
There are more than 76 million different WordPress blogs on the internet. There is a staggering amount of content being created and already waiting to be discovered. Not only are this many blogs, but there’s almost an equal number of topics those blogs cover. Considering most people only frequent several websites everyday and for a majority of time, it would be an amazing feat if someone actually took the time to try and discover all the blogs available.
WordPress powers almost a third of the top 1000 most frequented websites. Not only is this because the software is intuitive to use, it’s also because the software works and it works well. It is constantly updated with new features and plugins that allow developers and website hosters to customize a WordPress blog to suit their every need. If you need to use a CMS software to reach the maximum people with the least amount of work and hassle, the availability of WordPress s a great tool to do just that.
More than 400 million people access WordPress content every month. That is a staggering amount of people. In fact, that’s almost one hundred million more people than are in the entire United States of America! This means that WordPress is capable of delivering a website and it’s content to an audience that has never before been able to be reached. More people being informed means more change will come to the world and more people will have access to internet and WordPress blogs.
Search interest almost doubled for WordPress in the end of 2014. There are several Content Management Systems available for use all over the internet, but WordPress has seen not only a steady increase, but a very rapid rise in it’s market share of the technology over the past few years. Once people realized that making their own content on the internet was a viable and profitable solution to a stagnant job market, they looked for the most user-friendly solution to their problems. Enter WordPress and it’s attention to detail and accessibility for as many people as possible.
More than 50,000 new WordPress websites added everyday. Even if you could read just a tiny fraction of the new content created in WordPress blogs everyday, it would take you millennia to get through it all. From amateur hobbyists, to big budget news organizations and everywhere in between, the content on WordPress blogs is soon going to reach almost every square inch of the internet.
Of all the days of the week, Tuesday is the day that WordPress software is downloaded the most. It’s pretty interesting that it falls on a Tuesday and not say Monday or Wednesday. Maybe people feel hopeful for the week ahead still but not awake or productive on a Monday. This and the fact that more than 50,0000 blogs are created every day paint a pretty interesting picture of just how much reach the WordPress software has.
From massive newspapers, like the New York Times, to small cupcake making blogs, the internet has an infinite amount of content to find and discover. WordPress blogging software is not only making that easier to read, but easier to create new content as well. It is showing no sign of slowing down either and will for all intents and purposes, more than likely continue to help any and everyone get their content out to the most amount of people possible. Many of the mentioned above are continuing to increase in pace. Very soon it is likely we will see WordPress be used by more of the internet and available to even more people. This will help create a more connected global society and eventually lead to more blogs and more information shared among all the people of Earth.